Individual Report for Albert Edward Stilwell JR.
Family Lore In December 1899 40 year old Albert Edward Stilwell, Sr. married 18 year old Ella G Merrill in Newaygo County. The couple moved into the home where Albert Sr. had always resided with his mother, father and his four spinster sisters. The story is told that when the baby Albert Edward Stilwell, Jr. was born, Albert Sr. did not want the baby and offered to give Ella a puppy if she would give the baby away. The divorce paperwork for Ella and Albert, dated 26 November 1904 states that separation took place in May of 1901.
location for the birth of Albert E Stilwell, Jr. has not been positively
identified. Family lore is that his
mother Ella traveled to Chicago for his birth.
As of 11 October 2015 there are no records of his birth on
or and a Google search
has no results for Stilwell or Stillwell.
13 October 2015. "Michigan Births,
1867-1902." Database with images. FamilySearch. Citing Secretary of State. Department of Vital Records, Lansing.
13 October 2015. "Illinois Births
and Christenings, 1824-1940." Database FamilySearch. Index based upon data collected by the
Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City.
Letter From Leta Lonn
Thompsonville, Michigan to Debbie Storbeck 16 June 1978; Held in 2014 by Debbie
Storbeck, 7432 Red Rock Trail, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Funny thing Debbie your
Dads father used to visit my grandpa Stanton summers grandpa S. was a civil War
Vet a cripple for yrs. shot by accident a fellow cleaning his gun. Now they would of gotten that shot out but
not then. She (Ella) was only 18 yrs
when married to grandfather Stilwell We're married in Chicago now Bud Stilwell
was born in Chicago.
Letter from Arlene Isaacson to
Debbie Storbeck.30 April 2008; Held in 2014 by Debbie Storbeck. My Grandfather Stilwell did not want
children. He begged My Grandma to put my
Dad up for adoption. He told her he'd
get her a nice puppy! As far as I have
heard my Dad never met any of the Stilwell family. They were bitter enemies from what Grandma
Merrill (Edith) said. I don't know what
the circumstances were that my Grandma went to Illinois for the birth.
State of Michigan. The Circuit Court for the County of Benzie,
In Chancery. Divorce Records of Ella
Stilwell and Albert Stilwell 14 April 1905.
Copy held by Deborah Storbeck 2015. Ella Stilwell, Complainant, -VS- Albert
Stilwell Defendant. Depositions and
proofs taken on the part of Complainant in the above entitled cause, by and
before me, John W. Wilson, the Circuit Court Commissioner, in and for said
Benzie County, at the office of M.G. Paul, in the village of Thompsonville,
Michigan, on the 14th day of April 1905.
M.G. Paul, appeared for Complainant.
Defendant did not appear. Della
Merrill, a witness produced, sworn and examined on the part of the complainant,
testified as follows: - I am sister of
complainant, I know defendant, I know they were married on the 14th day of
December 1899 at my father's in Newaygo County in this state,- they have
lived continuously in this state since marriage.
Letter (Certified) from Laurel J
Breuker, Newaygo County Clerk 1087 East Newell Street, White Cloud, Michigan to Debbie
Storbeck 23 November 1998; held in 2014 by Debbie Storbeck 7432 Red Rock Trail,
Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Albert Edward Stilwell with Mother Ella Merrill-Stilwell and Albert (right) with Cousin Lynn Bowman.
From the collection of Nancy Stilwell 22 March 2016CENSUS

1920 US Census Benzie, Michigan Population Schedule Michigan Avenue, Colfax Township, Enumeration District (ED) 4, Page 1A, Date January 2, 1920, Dwelling 8, Family 8, James H Merrill. Digital Image, ( accessed 27 June 2014) citing National Archives and Records and Administration microfilm publication Roll: T625_756. James H. Merrill, Age 75, Head, Male, White, Married, Reads, Writes, Place of Birth Michigan, Father Place of Birth Vermont, Mother Place of Birth Vermont, Car Repair Steam Railroad. Edith Merrill, Wife, Age 68, Female, White Married, Reads, Writes, Place of Birth Michigan, Father Place of Birth New York, Mother Place of Birth New York. Albert Stilwell, Grandson, Age 18, Male, White, Single, Reads, Writes, Place of Birth Illinois, Father Place of Birth Michigan, Mother Place of Birth Michigan, Laborer-Freight House.

"Muskegon, Michigan, City Directory;1924", database ( : accessed 12 October 2014), entry for Albert E Stilwell and spouse Leta M Stilwell address 53 Oak, Muskegon Michigan; citing "Muskegon Michigan RL Polk and CO. 1924, page number 417, column 2.
"Muskegon, Michigan, City Directory;1926", database ( : accessed 12 October 2014), entry for A Albert E Stilwell and spouse Leta M Stilwell address 355 Yuba, Muskegon Michigan; citing "Muskegon Michigan RL Polk and CO. 1926, page number 449, column 1.
"Muskegon, Michigan, City Directory;1928", database ( : accessed 12 October 2014), entry for A Albert E Stilwell, machinist, and spouse Leta M Stilwell address 355 Yuba, Muskegon Michigan; citing "Muskegon Michigan RL Polk and CO. 1928, page number 422 column 1.
Mother's Death
The Newaygo Republican (I presume)
into Eternal Rest Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1916
has been received here of the death in Thompsonville, Michigan, of Mrs. John
Curtis, who was known here as Miss Ella Merrill. She was born near Big Rapids August 28, 1881,
and when a small child her parents moved to White Cloud and a few years later
to Newaygo, where her father, James H. Merrill, was foreman on one of the
sections on the P. M. She was a pupil in
the local high school, but left before completing the 12th grade. About 15 years ago she went to live with her
parents who had moved to Thompsonville.
She took a course in Ferris Institute, Big Rapids, and one term in
Ypsilanti State Normal and taught school for twelve years near
Thompsonville. She was married about
five years ago to John Curtis, a prominent farmer living near
Thompsonville. She died November 1,
1916, in the hospital in Thompsonville and the funeral services were held in
the Methodist church of that place November 3, six of her brother-in-laws
acting as pallbearers. The floral
offerings were many and served to show the esteem in which she was held in the
community in which she lived. She was a
teacher in the Wallin M. E. Sunday school and a worker in that church. She leaves a husband, one son, Albert E.
Stilwell, and many other near relatives and friends to mourn her loss.
Those attending from Newaygo were
Mr. & Mrs. A.F. Bowman and daughter Lilia, Mrs. Noble McKinley, Leon Bowman
and Mrs. Eleanor Hall.
The Benzie Banner,
Beulah, MI Thursday, 9 November 1916 Page 1 column 2
Mrs. John Curtis passed away last
Wednesday evening in Thompsonville where she had been taken some days previous,
to be operated on for tumor. Deceased
was thirty five years of age, and leaves a husband and son by a former
marriage, her aged father and mother, one brother and two sisters to mourn
their loss. The funeral was at the M.E.
Church at Thompsonville Friday afternoon and burial in the cemetery there. The beautiful and large amount of flowers
showed the esteem in which she was held by friends there and here. Sincere sympathy is extended to all sorrowing
Benzie Banner
Newspaper, 14 December 1916, Page 1, Column 2. Benzie Shores District Library,
( accessed on-line 02 February 2015.
Probate Court Notes,
In the matter of Albert Stilwell, minor of Colfax, John C. Curtis appointed
Left Elmer Otto, Right Albert E Stilwell, Jr. "Bud" from the collection of Nancy Stilwell 22 March 2016 |
Center Albert E Stilwell, Jr. "Bud" from the collection of Nancy Stilwell 22 March 2016 |

The James Merrill home on Brooklyn
in Thompsonville Michigan. On front
porch, Edith Merrill, grandmother of Albert E Stilwell, Jr. her daughter Della Hamilton, twin sister to Albert's mother Ella and Della's son, John Hamilton, cousin of Albert E Stilwell, Jr.
Letter from Leta Stanton,
Interlochen to Albert E Stilwell JR (Bud), 17 October 1922; Held in 2014 by
Debbie Storbeck 7432 Red Rock Trail, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Note: one month before marriage.
State of Michigan Certified Marriage Certificate (copy issued 5
October 1999 by Carol V Getts, State Register) for Albert E Stillwell and Leta
M Stanton held in 2014 by Debbie Storbeck. Groom Albert E Stillwell,
Age 21, Not Previously Married, Residence Thompsonville,, Michigan, Birthplace
Illinois, Father A.E. Stillwell, Mother Ella Merrill, Witness Warren
Stanton. Bride Leta M. Stanton, Age 21,
Not Previously Married, Residence Interlochen, Michigan, Birthplace Nebraska,
Father David Stanton, Mother Minnie Mayer, Witness Lillie Stanton. Date of Marriage November 1, 1922, Place of
Marriage Grand Traverse County, Michigan (filed in Benzie County) Clergyman
C.N. Babcock, County Clerk Newton W Ely, Filed 6 January 1923.
Yevone Alberta Stilwell
Date of Birth 16 June 1926
Date of Death 30 June 1926
Burial White Cloud Cemetery,
White Cloud, Michigan
Date of Birth 16 June 1926
Date of Death 30 June 1926
Burial White Cloud Cemetery,
White Cloud, Michigan
Obituary for Albert E. Stilwell, Jr. "BUD" Written by his granddaughter, Deborah J.
Stilwell-Storbeck, Monday, October 12, 2015.
Albert Edward
Stilwell, Jr. who was called BUD by all who knew him, died on December 6, 1929
at the home of his maternal grandparents, James H. and Edith Merrill who lived
on Brooklyn Avenue in Thompsonville, Michigan.
Mr. Stilwell lived in Muskegon until he fell ill one month ago. In Muskegon he was employed by The Contenintial
Motor Company.
BUD was born April
21, 1901. His father was Albert E.
Stilwell Sr. of Newaygo. Bud's mother was Ella Merrill who died in 1916. On November 1, 1922 Bud married Leta Stanton
of Bendon. They have 2 young children,
Arlene L Stilwell and Roger K Stilwell, a daughter, Yevone A Stilwell died two
weeks after her birth.
Services will be held
on December 9, 1929 and burial will be in the Thompsonville cemetery.